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Why Do We Go Online?

"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders."
- Ronald Reagan

The reason we go online can be summed up in two words - get information

People want information and they want to be educated. The more information you provide on your website, the more likely people are to trust you. People like to make up their own minds - you can help them by providing enough information about your product or service to make them feel comfortable about buying from you.

How do you provide information?

Give information to educate your clients. They need to know why your website exists and what's in it for them? What's your purpose? Put some articles on your site that tells readers more about your field of specialty. For example, if you are a coach, write articles on coaching.

People like to buy, but they don't like to be sold to

People don't like to be sold to but they like believing they've made their minds up by themselves. If a website is designed well and if it provides loads of content, it establishes credibility. By offering information, you are educating them and establishing trust.

Education is King (or Queen)

Transform your site into a treasure trove. Visitors to your site should feel like they stumbled into Ali Baba's cave of treasures and they can pick from the jewels of wisdom you offer on your web pages. This will give your visitors a good reason to bookmark your site and to visit your site again. The more information you offer, the stickier your site will become. This will keep your visitors coming back to your website.

The more generous you are with information, the less risk averse the visitor, is as a result they will buy from you repeatedly.

- Nina Menezes


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